Thursday, June 8, 2017

Building Relationships - Advocacy and Communication

Welcome to our NJAAE Blog!

As President for the next two years, one of my goals is to help increase communication with our members. To kick things off, I am completely stealing a wonderful email that was shared by one of our members, Brian Ducey. Early this year, he shared advocacy and relationship building efforts in his county. Here was his message:

"I was just reflecting with another teacher a few days ago about how fortunate we are here in Monmouth County to have the support we do.  We have consistently seen members from the agricultural and county community support our students in advice, material and financial support. 

I have joined a tradition of cooperation on a county level.  Members of our County Board of Agriculture have invited our students to their annual dinner and we will have members attend their meeting.  They are a great resource for feedback on presentations and speeches as well as the issues facing NJ Agriculture and American Agriculture.  They have supported our students at our county fair with donations of produce that we have in turn been able to sell at out fair to benefit the local chapter.  Our students develop confidence, sales skills, networking and sense of community.

This has also opened other doors to our students, for instance they recently received a FFA Week Proclamation from our Board of Chosen Freeholders.  Additionally, we have students attending and participating in other committees like the Monmouth County Environmental Commission this Wednesday has invited us to a round table discussion on the use of hydroponic growing.

When I say our students I mean students from each of the four FFA Chapters of Monmouth County. I would also add that in keeping with the Team AG Ed Family, Monmouth County has been developing an additional layer to practice brotherhood, honor agricultural opportunities and responsibilities.  I would challenge you to seek more cooperation, communication and collaboration when you can and it may lead to more inspiration for your students."

Post primary election day, he followed up encouraging us to all get involved in relationship building and connecting to our legislators.

Yesterday, was primary day, and in May we spoke about making sure that we reach out to our elected officials.  Here is a tool for locating them pretty quickly and some hot topics that are near and dear to our passions and our students’ passions:

Also, here is a NJDA link to our agricultural community leadership.  The directory will help you locate your board of agriculture and others.  I have also attached a PDF of it.

1) Start building or continue building those relationships, so when times get tough, legislators, decision makers and the community already know who we are in agricultural education and what we contribute to our country's future. 
2) Add a comment on this blog sharing how you advocate.

1 comment:

  1. Brian is spot on with what is going on in Monmouth County. Relationships are built over time. We have very busy schedules but the time spend and lessons learned just having a presents at the county board of agriculture meetings can help gain support for you program when times may be more difficult.
